Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Antibiotics & the Immune System

"Antibiotics for acute infectious problems certainly are of value, especially when the immune system and recuperative powers of the body are depleted. It is unfortunately the case in this country today, that such defenses of the human body are seriously and commonly below acceptable levels. Antibiotic therapy can certainly save the day in such cases. There is of course a price to pay for using this type of medication, as in all medications, and the proliferation of candida yeast infection is the best example.

Additionally, using antibiotics to kill all of the germs associated with the focal sight of disease, makes as much sense as killing all of the bugs on the farm with pesticides. Resistance to the spray builds with each generation of grasshoppers, and second and third generation immune bacteria are produced with each new generation of antibiotics. The medication kills the infectious agent, bu leaves the sick organ system, which may then succumb to a new type of infection. Virus killers, for which so much research is promulgated, are additionally doomed to follow in the same footsteps as antibiotics. We can never kill all of the disease bugs."

"It is a clear and incontrovertible fact that maintenance of the immune system (that superb defense mechanism) is the only method by which health is maintained. Pharmacy-produced medication can NEVER produce such a result, and that fact relegates the Medical Profession of today to disease-care, as opposed to health-care.
Nutrition, natural healing methods, holistic (whole body care), exercise and other health-building measures create and maintain an optimum immune defense system. The lack of these health supports allow what is usually impregnable to be breached, and the nation's poor showing of health today is the direct and readily confirmable result."

from the book "A Holistic Guide to Chiropractic Practice" by William B. Risley, DC

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